Feasibility- and Business case studies
A feasibility study is conducted prior to a project’s undertaking such as a IT project. Principals of companies and their investors want to ensure that any given project they plan on developing is actually “feasible”, and preparing a study showing this feasibility is the main point of writing such a report (which of course will help save needed capital and time in the long run). A feasibility study includes such vital information and data as the funding needs to complete the project, the market opportunity, government regulations, risk factors, strength and weaknesses, the management team and the financials of the company. While a feasibility study somewhat sounds like a business plan, such reports tend to be many times longer with more details on the market and financials.
Comprehensive Feasibility
A comprehensive feasibility study is an all-inclusive report that takes into consideration some of the most rational business practices one should implement before undertaking any project. The comprehensive feasibility includes data on land acquisitions and real estate issues, economic and cultural impact on the greater surrounding areas, and more. Such comprehensive studies can be found in our business plan features (if a client wants a very long and detailed analysis). The comprehensive feasibility study is also referenced in the real estate feasibility study (see above) and together with the real estate report is the most popular feasibility study we offer.
Financial Economic Feasibility
An economic feasibility study is conducted when a company wants to know if the proposed amount of capital and financing is sufficient to complete a project successfully. While a business plan may have a section called the “CBA” or Cost-Benefit-Analysis, in an economic feasibility study it will be greater in detail and have more statistics and numbers in the financials.
Marketing Feasibility
The marketing feasibility studies the market impact and penetration, such as the demographics, target market, product testing and more. Prior to launching a project into the market, whether in a local, regional, national or global environment, a viable study on the market is imperative.